Through The Roof introduces: The 2*A5 Group

A group of 5 friends met and decided to make a zine together! This zine was birthed out of the hope to collaborate, and to make something creative for ourselves. The participating artists are Clarice, Dominique, Evangeline, Joel, and Samantha.

We’re a busy bunch, and it’s not always easy to find time to create. But we know the necessity of creativity, and how it’s a big part of our lives. Not essential, as deemed by our government a few years back, but important, and was a missing part in everyday life. Perhaps also spurred by the resurgence of art fairs, and creative people with zines and merchandise, we found ourselves as both participants and creatives.

In this zine, we worked on things from the point of view of what we ourselves looked out for at an art fair, and tried to corporate that into the work. Our theme was as practical as it gets: “Pilot” – to test waters for ourselves on how we feel about the work we would produce.

Each of us brought something to the table, and you’ll see it in the packaging, in the artwork, in our presentation of it in each of our IG profiles.

We’ll definitely continue doing another 2*A5 zine, and we’ll also be sharing more about each of us as artists in the weeks to come.

Thanks for your support!

2*A5 Zine – $20

  • (only 50 pcs made)
  • purchase via DM or based on artist’s IG.

Found at:






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