Category: Updates

  • Recapping 2024

    It’s been a wild ride! This year has been filled with amazing opportunities and I feel Through The Roof hitting landmarks I never expected. Thanks to everyone who turned up along the way, supporting us in the small booths, joining in the collabs, or just liking and sharing our posts. It means a lot, and…

  • RISO Printing Workshops with Through The Roof

    RISO Printing Workshops with Through The Roof

    In the scope of wanting to create a community for young creatives, we were exploring ways and means to lower the cost of production for students. If there was a way for us to produce a larger quantity, but with lower cost, it would give way for more creativity! With aim and focus in mind,…

  • November Updates!

    October’s over and now we’re straight into November! We’ve been cooking over here, and hopefully by December, we’ll be able to share with everyone about some of the work that we’ve been doing. We are working on three collab zines at the moment, and hopefully by the middle or end of November, we can show…